First Nations X Directors supporting Australian innovation

The Australian Innovation Management Institute (AIMI) launched at the end of August to raise awareness and understanding of innovation and innovation management as a business discipline across Australia and develop capability to compete in the evolving global business landscape.

Two visionary leaders from the First Nations X founding team, Kent Matla and Peter Rossdeutscher, have prominent roles within AIMI ensuring a strong connection between formal innovation capabilities building and First Nations business ecosystems.  First Nations X Director, Kent Matla, is the founding Chairperson of AIMI.  Kent is a First Nations entrepreneur with 25+ years corporate advisory expertise spanning diverse sectors.  Peter Rossdeutscher, Co-founder of First Nations X, is supporting the not-for-profit initiative in the role of Ambassador. He brings extensive experience as a director and long-term commitment to fostering innovation skills for economic empowerment.

They join a team of experts focused on bringing to Australia the capability building programs and globally recognised certification that have already accredited over 20,000 innovation professionals around the world through one of AIMI’s founding partners, the Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI). The goal is to support Australian business professionals into a future where innovation is accessible to everyone, regardless of their industry.

Other founding Board Members are Eva Chye, Jemma Iles, Nikki Madden, Greg Riebe, and Dr. Andrew Whitehead.  Its Ambassadors are Prof Fiona Wood AM and Peter Rossdeutscher, and Global Advisory Council Members, Prof Hitendra Patel, Dr DAVID Chung Tai-Wai, Vincent Patrick Tobias, and Rohan Sakpal.

Innovation management as a business discipline drives the innovation process and culture in organisations, that not only grows economic value for the organisation, but creates economic value as a whole!  By fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment, AIMI recognise that innovation is not limited to technology but encompasses creativity, strategy, and management – all being crucial to driving positive change.

For more information about AIMI and how you can contribute to Australia's innovation landscape, reach out at


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